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The obituary notice of Glyn Tegai HUGHES

Cardiff | Published in: Western Mail.

Leach & Son Funeral Directors
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Glyn TegaiHUGHESOf Tregynon, First Warden of Gregynog, died at home on Friday, 10th March 2017 aged 94 years. Beloved husband of the late Margaret and a much loved father of Alun Tegai and the late David Tegai. A private burial will be held followed by a Service of Thanksgiving at Newtown Methodist Church on Wednesday, 29th March at 1pm. Family flowers, donations if desired to Newtown Methodist Church or Shropshire Blood Trust Fund. Enquiries please to Leach & Son, Newtown. Telephone: 01686 626208. O Dregynon, Warden cyntaf Gregynog- bu farw yn ei gartref ar Mawrth 10fed 2017 yn 94 mlwydd oed. Gwr annwyl y ddiweddar Margaret a thad cariadus Alun Tegai a'r diweddar David Tegai. Cynhelir gwasanaeth angladdol preifat ac fe'i dilynir gan wasanaeth O Ddiolchgarwch yng nghapel Saesneg y Methodistiaid, L?n Gefn, Y Drenewydd, Mawrth 29ain am un o'r gloch. Blodau gan y teulu yn unig, Cyfraniadau os dymunir tuag at Gapel Saesneg y Methodistiaid neu 'Shropshire Blood Trust Fund'. Ymholiadau i Leach a'i Fab, trefnwyr angladdau, Y Drenewydd. Ffon: 01686 626208.
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Published: 17/03/2017
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